
     My baby's a very picky boy. He's picky towards girls, food, clothes, any purchases he made and cars - oh god, the cars.

     He's calculative, he weighs shopping options down to each mL, grams and cents; It's always either this or that, black or white. If things are similar, then they are not to be considered passable as the same quality/ quantity and thus one option is rejected. Most of the time I finish my online shopping a lot faster than he does. I look for what I want, see a good price, look for lower price but still with good reviews and bam, that's it. Check. Out. He does the same, but he looks for alternatives, asks people he knows for reviews, suggestions or comments, and keep it in the shopping cart to find more items to go along with it. It's either buying one item, or two big bags of them to make one complete set of whatever it is.

     He wears clothes like an uncle you might see at any night markets. Blank T-shirts or singlets, paired with loose pants (which are actually super comfortable) - blue jeans once in a long while, matched with a pair of sports shoes. Slippers are for when you walk short distances just outside your house or something. Yet he's picky.

     He has maybe 4 or 5 of the same singlets because that's the exact variation that he likes. All size S, black in color. He had two grey ones but I haven't seen him wear those in a while. He started out with two of the black singlets after he tried them on at Terra Nova and I complimented the heck out of him. Then it became a very convenient piece of clothing which is also cooling enough with no sleeves and a rounded collar that isn't too high up. He wanted a few more of that variation and when we arrived at the shop, there were only M sized ones and so we left the shop empty handed. M could fit him nicely too, by the way.

     Before the singlets he had about... 2 shirts, most of the time. A blank black T-shirt or a white one. Some days he'd wear a red, blue or green but I've never seen him wearing anything else.

      He eats my food when I couldn't eat anymore, and we eat cheap food all the time. Hawker centers, DIY fried assortments at home, sometimes mixed rice with soup if we head out a little further from where I stay; yet if we were to eat at a slightly more pricey place - perhaps a fine dining place at campus' culinary classes or some nice ramen place, BurgerLab etc, any meal that costs more than our usual <RM10 meals - he'd taste the food with a much more refined palate than mine.

     "Babe, this fried chicken is so good! Did you taste that skin? So crispy!!!" I might exclaim, to which he'd respond, "Naahh, the one at my primary school was better," or "I'll make you better ones next time. You don't know what's really good yet." He eats anything and almost everything, but if given a choice where money doesn't matter, his standards are pretty damn high as compared to mine. I find comfort in the fact that he loves the fries I fry for him. It's from those bags you can buy for around RM10 each at Cold Storage, but I like to think that it's the effort that counts. I can't cook for shit.

     Girls? Damn. I don't even know how I got picked. He told me that I was a different case because I approached him when he was at his lowest, but his criteria? I'm not sure how exactly I managed to get him but I'm grateful anyways so Amen to that. He likes Asian girls, preferably Chinese, with long hair - I haven't had any dramatic haircut to my hair since I got together with him for over 2 years now. He told me that girls with a slim 'coke bottle figure' was a big thing & criteria for him back when he was younger, and he did not want girls older than him. He preferred shorter girls because they naturally appear cute. Soft spots and stuff.

     Here I am, a plumper version of a not-so-curvy coke bottle, 2 years older and perhaps about 7cm-ish shorter than him. Sometimes I see girls that I think look hot as hell or simply adorable and I show them to him, which usually gets me returned with a shrug or sometimes, "Not really...???" Well excuse you, mister. I thought my standards for good looking girls are high enough as it is. Girls that he thinks look nice are probably at Goddess levels to me. Your high standards, babe, damn. Me? I'm really just a potato.

     Of course, the cars. I'm not a car person. I can't tell you much details since I don't know jack shit about cars and can't explain why certain gear ratios are better or how ron100's performance is better than ron97 if he hadn't told me about it first. But what I do know about his pickiness towards cars - It's not just brochure-knowledge-based. One car and the other may perform just as good, but the other might have used the exact same backlights as an older, less desirable model and thus is not a wanted option.

     If taxes, car maintenance and other money-related issues ain't even a thing, he wants a 1969 Ford Boss 429 Mustang. That's one of his favourite cars. Is that the correct name? I don't really know. I do not brain car terms as well as I do with some other topics yet. As for now? His own project car, slowly upgraded part by part for the past few years now. I think he can tell you more about that car himself. If you're curious, it's a Honda Civic EF, sedan type. I'm sure he'd pick out all the details for you.

     There you go, Mr. Picky. Just be proud that you aren't the annoyingly picky type.

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