20+ Ways Girls Like Being Loved

So here you are, another lost boy/girl looking for ways to prove to your girl that you really do love her and you ain't just sayin' shit for the sake of sayin' it. So what's it? You love her but she doesn't think that you're showing it enough? She thinks you're just lyin'?

Well, whatever it is, I'm here to try help you decode the mystery that has been going on for years, known as "What the actual fuck do girls want?"

I'll tell you something. She's always hinting at you. Always. 

👧: Babe, what would you do if you just happened to pass by your ex while you were driving and her car broke down? Would you help her?
👦: Depends on which ex. If it's that first ex from when I was like 13 that's cool I'll help. The 2nd one that toyed with me, no. The third one... I have to think.
👧: I can't believe you have to think about that 3rd ex. <---- PAY ATTENTION

Guys that's a hint you better tell her straight away that you gonna ram into that bitch's car or run her off a cliff before she does. Don't 'think about it' any longer for the sake of your life.

So what does she want?

Here's a list of things that she MIGHT want. 

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on individuals because we are all complex, emotional and different human beings. These are pretty much things my man does for me that I appreciate and make me go all ga-ga over him again and again.

  1. Surprise her. Turn up at her door and bring her out on a date. 

  2. Give her a sudden "I Love You" text that she did not expect. 

  3. Bring her favourite snack with you when you see her. All these are simply things she COULD expect but probably didn't, but was also hoping that you would know to do.

  4. A surprise text. 

  5. A surprise text.

  6. A surprise text. Yes, that's important. Even if you're busy working the whole day, perhaps you can take that 20 seconds toilet break time to send her a goddamn message.

  7. Post that cute-ass shit photo of her on your account. Be proud of her. Share that cutesy and beauty that's yours and showcase that big fucken amount of love to the whole wide internet because bitches be into dat shit.

  8. Some nice food once in a while. Maybe once a fortnight or on a monthly basis, you could bring her to a nice coffee place and have a slice of cake or whatever it is that she's into. Just a small change away from the usual home delivery pizza/ McDonalds that couples will consistently order instead of heading out after some time being together.

  9. Protect her from flying cockroaches if you have to.

  10. Respect her. Her needs are as important as yours.

  11. Hugs. Cuddles. Lots of that. Sit close to her and hold her hand when you're out with your friends, give her some head pats every once in a while. That's a really nice gesture.

  12. Forehead kisses would brighten up her day more significantly that you might have thought. If you can make that into a habit before you leave to go home everyday that would be very, very pleasant.

  13. Once in a blue moon when she's out shopping for clothes or just browsing online, tell her which one you think would look nice on her. Suggest a few outfits and tell her how beautiful she'd look in it, how it would show her lovely figure. 

  14. Listen to songs that she likes together, or recommend a few that you like or perhaps think can be dedicated to her.

  15. Attention. Listen to things she has to say. Some signs of tiredness or sadness is very obvious and if spotted it would be nice if you can attend to her.

  16. Tell her about your day. Tell her you miss waking up next to her & that it's so much more relaxing when you're with her.

  17. Accompany her or at least be there with her when she's doing something for you. If she's cooking for you, you don't have to help but you can offer to, but it would be good if you can stay with her and just have some small chat with her.

  18. Small gifts once in a while are nice too. It doesn't have to be anything grand, but when it's something you looked at and thought of her, it could be a good gift.

  19. She may be a little crazy, sticking herself onto you and latching on like some kind of parasite fish. Maybe she'd lick your face or your forehead or bite your chin or whatever but do let her go cray cray once in a while. It's just some weird ways that girls choose to love you.

  20. Be a pleasant company with her parents and assure her that she's fine with your own parents. It's a very panicky experience to have lunch with her parents or just meeting them for the first time, and it's always the same with the other party. Reassurances would be nice.

  21. Your guy friends keep trying to get you to go out to bars or clubs or just places where girls might be draping themselves all over you? Do avoid those scenarios if at all possible. You wouldn't want your girl to be touched all over by other guys either.

  22. What skills do you have? One that you're okay with? Drawing? Woodwork? Designing? Make something for her with those skills.

  23. Something as insignificant as a like on her posts to show that you've seen it or have read it is a simple 'I paid attention' gesture too.

  24. Give her a shirt or a jacket of yours that she can wear. Something with your scent on it that she can hug or while you're not around.

  25. Saying "I Love You", "I Cherish You", "You Are Important" never gets old. It's always pleasant to hear from your loved ones.
Just love her how you know she likes to be loved. Love her how you know best, but even more in the ways that you know are part of her love language. Communication, respect & trust are always the key items afterall, don't you agree?

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