🎉3 Years Anniversary Sooooonn🎉

The TurKey is going to be together for 3 years! :D

Let's see. Almost the third year in, and I simply can't imagine my life without this derpy little monkey in it any longer. It's still just as exciting whenever he pops over for a visit, and every night he stays over, a tiny little celebratory sparkler is still lighted up inside my heart.

Pretty much a huge chunk of this past year was spend in 100% comfort zone. Monkey would come over when he can after his internship hours (usually around 8pm or later) for dinner, and some days he brings me back to his place afters. He would take a shower, have his dinner (It's usually McD deliveries if it's at my place, or sometimes I'd fry him up some snacks), and we just derp from that point onwards. He'd be watching videos or playing games on his phone, and sometimes I watch with him. Other times, it's lots of massaging and scratching for him because he has the body of a 40-year-old man who keeps crying that he's going to die whenever I press his back for him 😂😂

We are supposed to head to Genting Highlands for our anniversary - I would love to keep our 2-year streak going - but at this point we aren't sure if his car is going to be out yet. Plus, he still has his internship, and his work ends around 7pm on Saturdays. By the time we are up, it'd be quite late, and we have to return around late afternoon on Sunday latest. Seems like we won't be going this year 😟

Genting isn't the same anymore either way; I suppose it isn't really that fun to go anymore. Even during our last visit when we were looking forward to visiting Redtail by Zouk at Sky Avenue - hoping that we will be able to play darts there as advertised - there were no dart machines and it was quite a cramped area. Monkey was disappointed and we just headed back shortly afters.

Frankly speaking I would still love to be up there - but just for the nice weather and ambience there. It would be just us (that's the best part!) - a short staycation where we can just head out and buy overpriced food later on and be back in the room cuddling, all nice and warm under the blankets 😌😌😌I suppose we'll have to miss it this year.

Definitely looking forward to our 3rd anniversary regardless - partly because 3 is my favourite number x'D Plus, this would be yet another excuse to meet up with him amidst all the busy schedules and working hours! 😝

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