100 Days Celebration - Some TurKey Memories

Oh my, would you look at that πŸ‘€

So, we've been playing Torn for about 3 to 4 months now, I had a month worth of headstart against my man, but he caught up so fast and surpassed my level... Like he did in Clash of Clans and probably many other games to come if we were to play them together. He's really competitive in games after all, and I play much more casually with no intention of surpassing other people quickly. Just... chill, y'know?


Thought I'd record down some of my favourite memories with my man here to celebrate our supposed 'marriage'. It's only in-game k, this doesn't count in real-life scenarios. Will be waiting for him to pop the question, which is, in his words, "In my car, going through a corner, I shall ask". Meanwhile, these are 10 of awesome memories with my darling.

1. Him giving me a birthday 'surprise' which he made a little too obvious at Chateau Du Pain - he went downstairs pretending to meet his friend, and came up with slices of cake, and his gifts for me - 21 paper roses being one of them as well. He requested for our song to be played on the TV - 爱你. I took a short video of that moment, and he still had a bruise just above his lips from falling face-first at Jumpstreet shortly before πŸ˜‚

2. We went to the zoo! His white shirt was almost reflective in the sunlight. We were laughing at a penguin that had its head stretched all the way to its back for some unknown reasons. It looked as if it had no head! The reptiles area was closed though.

3. He went to install his new exhausts. We were there much longer than expected, but the wait was worth it! He was so excited the whole way through, and when we drove back with the new exhaust system installed, it was just πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ I can still see that happy little face right now.

4. We thought about that cute little waving lizard while we were looking at our new little baby gecko and we were both just sitting about 1m away from the lizard, waving in a slow circular motion at it hoping that it would wave back. A few seconds later he went, "We look like idiots" and stopped. xD

5. Early on in our relationship, probably just a little over a month after we got together, we signed 'Terms & Conditions' paper that we each wrote a copy of. It contained T&Cs like "We do not have serious talks about marriage at least until after being together for 3 or 5 years" - something like that. *scoffs* We aren't even together for 3 years yet and that topic has come up every once in a while now.

6. Okay, this isn't one of the best memories, but there was this little butterfly cleverly disguised like a fallen leaf at the window close to where we were standing at. I was giving him a hug when I saw it, and I told him, "I don't know if this is a butterfly or a leaf." He looked at it and told me it's most probably a leaf, and then proceeded to - keep in mind that I'm really scared of butterflies - try to grab it. It flew, and I got so scared I cried and he had to give me lots of hugs and pats afterwards πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹

7. Our first vacation together was at Genting Highlands. Don't count in the parties with our friends or any other overnight stays. That first vacation made us feel so relaxed & free of responsibilities, and we were both just so focused on enjoying each other's presence. That was... bliss. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•With both of us working now, that is a little more difficult, but we're looking forward to our next one!

8. I once drank a little too much wine at once, and my body started convulsing a little. That scared me a little, even when I knew I was drunk as hell. He let me rest against him and made me relax; he asked me to focus on my fingers - count one, two, three, four, five and repeat - until my mind was able to focus better and the convulsions went off. Of course I got a flick on my forehead for drinking to that extent, but his care made me feel so cared for 😊😊

9. Quite frequently, I get nightmares or bad dreams that he was going to leave me or tell me he hates me. One of the nights when that happened, he knew I was having a bad dream and comforted me when I confirmed with him that it was one of those dreams again. Without a second word he just hugged me close and repeatedly told me, "It's okay, I'm here." while patting me back to sleep. I slept like a baby afterwards.

10. Some weekends when I'm at his place, we would clean the house together. As a joke and part of our older memories, I told him to be careful not to break the mop when he was mopping the floor, and a while later he just came to me with the mop broken in half. I might have jinxed it xD

Oh yes, another of my absolute favourites - I was giving him a massage, and he was browsing through his phone. He showed me a video and after I commented on it and he replied... Well, merely 5 seconds later when I glanced up again he was already asleep with his phone slipping out of his hands. Does anyone else fall asleep so quickly? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Well, here's to many more memories together with the best partner I could ever wish for! πŸ’•πŸ’•

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