
I’m grateful because even if he doesn't understand my problems, he still tries to help and make me feel better.

Even if he wasn't at his best, he still made time to talk to me and made sure that I felt cherished and loved. 

When he knew that I was going to be worried, he would shower me with so much love and hugs that my worries would melt away.

He might not be a romantic person, but he still brought me flowers on our anniversary, and surprised me with a birthday cake and celebration on my birthday.

We haven’t always been on the best terms - Decembers have always been tough for us somehow, and our worst arguments are always between the end of November and in December. I am still inherently grateful that he stayed and did not leave. 

I’m grateful that he drives half an hour just to come and see me when he can, even if it’s just for a dinner after our work is done. 

Even when he’s not exactly the best at relationship management - neither am I anyway - he still made sure that I know he’s here to stay for good, through good and bad, and he’s working hard for our future together.

He made sure that I know where he will be at, who he will be with, and brings me along to meet his friends even if it’s all car guys and I don’t quite fit in - just so that I won’t be alone at home wondering what time he’ll be back or anything like that. He would be with me as often as he can, and bring me around whenever he can too.

I’m grateful because even if we don’t go out on dates as much as we did in the beginning anymore, the happiness, the love and the care is all still there and growing.

Most of all, I’m grateful that he really has so much faith in us together; he has so much love for us; so much that he has let his parents know about his intention to marry me on our 5th anniversary.

For him, I’m grateful.

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