That Significant Plus One

2 days after we got together in 2015, and a photo from July 2017.
Anyone that knows me would know that I am one of those annoying friends who will talk about her boyfriend or her relationship at any given chance. My life's pretty much revolved around him and I honestly prefer his companionship if I have to choose between my friends and him. I CAN socialize, but whether or not I can go out and have a brunch or dinner with you would depend on whether or not I will be meeting my boy or if I wanted to be available for him at that time.

Yes, I'm that annoying friend that goes uh... poles before holes? What's the female equivalent for hoes before bros anyway???

Anyways, he doesn't tire me out mentally like how many of my friends do. I might have mentioned somewhere in my previous posts before, but socializing really drains my energy like nobody's business. Depending on how outgoing or talkative you are, I can even get tired talking to you within a 5-minute time span. If you happen to have a super high energy requirement, you might even catch physical signs of fatigue on me.

My monkey's an active guy, definitely a lot more active than I am. He gets to be all lazy, relaxed and whatnot around me, and even if he's in an active mode, he doesn't tire me out. If anything, he somewhat... recharges my lost energy? Something like that, yeah. 

There was a time when his hair
was quite long too, he could tie
it in a tiny tail
Having been with him for 2 years and counting now, that fact still holds true and I still enjoy his companionship as much as I did 2 years ago. Were there any changes? Definitely. 

I remember visiting various coffee shops and slightly pricey food places early in the relationship. We'd go for movies at the cinema, visit places, actually drive somewhere to window-shop or just walk around the whole day et cetera.

But you see, with time, the level of comfort around each other increases. While I would still be happy to have a nice cup of coffee with a slice of cake somewhere on those monthsary things, we mostly stay in now, making fries and nuggets in the middle of the night when we get hungry. By now we just watch YouTube videos while we eat, or if we had a movie in mind that we could stream online, we would do just that.

We sleep in when we can instead of waking up real early to head out somewhere, and we work on our budgets and monthly expenditures instead of going for nice food every few days. He'd come to my place after his class ended sometimes, and would change into something more comfortable and tell me about things that happened. We'd plan on what to eat for dinner, if we even wanted to go out at all, and pretty much just rest the remaining hours of the day.

I suppose it's the stability and security that increased a lot more with time. It's nice to know that someone will always have your back, and would let you into their space. It's nice to have someone to wake up next to and snooze just another 10 minutes with. It's nice to be hugged and be told that things are going to be alright; to know that there's someone. A special someone that I can dream and fantasize of marrying one day when we have that financial stability.

Here's to you, car-crazy, lonewolf, hot-tempered monkey boy. 

Yours always,

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