From The 5 Love Languages - Physical Touch & Quality Time

I was initially exposed to this test through a leadership camp. It was just one of the many personality quizzes we took, along with what type of leaders we are and how to communicate with other leader personalities to make things effective.

If you haven't had this test, you can take it for free and hassle-free here. The website would ask for your email, but that's only so that you can send the results to your mailbox later on. No spams, based on my personal experience.

My score was 10 for physical touch, and 8 for quality time, followed closely by a 7 for words of affirmation. On the lower side of the spectrum I scored only 4 for acts of service, and 1 for gifting.

I remember monkey scoring relatively high for the first two parameters as well, and so we complemented each other nicely.

What I know I like the best from these two love languages would be:

Physical Touch

  • Him holding my hands whenever we go out
  • Having his arms around my waist at random times
  • Lots of hugs
  • Random kisses
  • Pats on my head and/or back
  • Literally just random touches anytime
  • Sitting close or have him lie on my lap & vice versa
  • Him holding me or at least having contact when we are sleeping together
  • Being pulled closer to him when we're out with friends etc
  • In short it's really just lots and lots of physical contact 

Quality Time

  • When he tells me what happens during the day and asks about mine
  • Getting his attention and care when we are together - not focused on phones or laptops
  • Getting texts when he's out with his friends, letting me know what's going on and when he's heading back
  • Those random comforts when I get bad feelings about stuff
  • When he's not afraid to let others know I'm with him
  • Getting to meet his friends, then going home to have some alone time resting together etc
  • Getting to do stuff for him that makes him happy & vice versa
  • Him being a good listener when I tell him things that happened/ my internal worries
Those aside, I definitely still do love it quite some when he does some chores for me, get me simple gifts or just snacks that he bought for me along the way, and words of affirmation - getting all the 'I love you's, 'you're important', 'thank you', 'you're really nice,' etc etc. It all means just as much, to be honest. But just as the scores might suggest, I do love physical contact and quality time the most. 

Just those would be quite enough.

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