Funding For Our Own Place

Funding for Our Own Place

               There’s this Google training/ workshop thing that my company is sponsoring for us to go since it’s highly relevant for our jobs as campaign managers, taking place on Friday itself. It’s all the way in Singapore though, so we will be heading to Johor tomorrow evening, and by Friday early morning we will be able to go straight into Singapore to have our full-day trainings. I will only be back by Saturday late night, and so that’s 3 days in total of being in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people and –

I cannot. I do not want to. But it’s part of an adult life thing – responsibilities, and so I have to.

Sure, there’s the fact that I get quite anxious when I am somewhere I don’t really know, which gets a little worse – who am I kidding, it’s significantly worse – when I don’t have my personal human with me. I like to hold his arm or clutch the back of his shirt when I need to go through big crowds and noisy places. While I’m afraid of a lot of things, he doesn’t get scared easily and that is definitely one of the traits that makes me feel very safe around him. He knows when I feel uncomfortable and would try to comfort me by holding my hand or just give me gentle pats on my back. I don’t know what magic he uses, but it works.

Then there’s money. Malaysia’s currency is pretty much down the shithole at the moment, and so to bring a little bit of cash to Singapore just in case I need it, I had to use RM308 to get myself SGD100. I’m broke enough as it is. Hell, with my man directing his money towards his beloved car and me spending it God knows where, we are both broke as fuck…

… Which is why we came up with an idea of making something like a GoFundMe platform but in MYR. I don’t know if it exists already, I didn’t even bother to do a Google search, but just imagine. We don’t need to pay in USD or through Paypal which is a great start already. Maybe we can take 10% of the total funding if you manage to hit and exceed your funding target, and if people from countries with big currencies decide to donate even USD1 for example, we are richer by RM4 already. A lot of GoFundMe pages are capable of gaining thousands of USD if not more. Now imagine if those kind people fund you for a drawing tablet you need for your studies but can’t afford at RM800. You only need USD200 for that. Sounds a lot more doable doesn’t it? You just need to share a link on your Facebook profile/page, Twitter, or whichever social media platform that you have more connections on. Perhaps we could feature a standard weekly or fortnightly currency exchange rate on the page so that people from all around the world would know how much exactly they are donating in their own currency.

If anything, it would be nice if I can start getting funding to get a proper house for my man and I. Nothing fancy, just an apartment. Landed properties are costing too much at this point for us to afford in a 5-years timeframe. If possible I really do want to get my own place in 3 years or so.



Fund me. Fund a broke-ass fresh graduate.

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