Job Perks - The Romantic Prospects

I’m not going to hide it. My man has a figure good enough that he can rock the old uncle-ish singlets just fine, effortlessly. Although he doesn’t work on cars in those singlets where he works, there are times when the Malaysian weather gets a bit too much (Who am I kidding, is it really just ‘a bit’ hot in Malaysia? Pfft) and the guys just work shirtless.

Yesssss, just let those beautiful images of guys with definted biceps and pecs working on your car flood your brain and cleanse your soul. Their bodies glistening with sweat; hands all dirtied from lubricant, engine oil and God knows what. Physical, perceptible signs of working through blood, sweat and tears.

Pure. Hot. Take-Me-Now kind of hot. Delicious.

You get the idea.

At least to me, it is, aside from the other customer that he had some time ago who we still talk about from time to time. Monkey had told me about said incident right after he was done with work, and I was – and still am – amused by the encounter that he faced.

It was one typical Malaysian hot summer day when he was working shirtless and a middle-aged-ish uncle happened to bring his daughter along to the workshop. It was the customer’s second visit; He came alone for the first one. He took note of Monkey then, who was notably young but seemed to know what he was doing with the cars. Intrigued, he approached my man and started chatting with him, asking about his age, his background & work experiences.

Then it happened.

“I have my daughter here, she’s still single. She’s a few years older than you are but hey, I think you’re a good guy,” He started introducing her. “You’re still so young, but you have already started working and have a few years of experience. You’re passionate about your job. That’s a good trait.” He mused before leaving his daughter with my man while the uncle himself went off somewhere else for the duration of the car repair. He kept his promise from the first visit when he had told monkey about his daughter, saying that he would bring her for the next visit.

Did I ask how he responded?

Of course, I did. I might not be the craziest of girlfriends, knowing that he’s loyal and trustworthy, but why not get the full story since I was already getting half the scoop, am I right?

He did tell the uncle that he has a girlfriend. He has me, okay? The relaxation-inducing, fried-food-making, super-attached girlfriend who still fangirls over him after 2 years together with him.

“You are still young, relationships won’t last. Just try to get to know my daughter first, you might like her. She’s quite a nice and pleasant person!”

Excuse you, uncle. Excuse you.

Upon being left with the girl, he simply said ‘hi’ to her and they were quiet for the remaining of the duration while he worked on the car.

I suppose that’s how some people might have met their romantic prospects on the job. Afterall, I did meet my man while he was assisting as a parkour coach and I became one of his students. But uh, sorry, uncle. He really is taken. Your daughter and you came by a bit too late.

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