He Sleeptalks

So, I’m officially 22. On my birthday, my colleagues and I went to Zeus 13 for lunch. Had a good meal, and there was cake to be shared. I also had two other slices of cake from my other colleagues and I brought them home.

Monkey fetched me home after work, and we had a good nap and ate birthday cakes I got at work. He made it a point to wish me last for my birthday instead of being the first. Around 8p.m., he told me to pack up. He’s bringing me to his place.

That’s how I ended up staying the whole weekend at his house, celebrated his dad’s birthday as well, and found out that he sleeptalks once in a while.

Over the past 2 years together, he never really did that. Occasionally, he would kind of grunt or let out some weird unintelligible noises, but that would be about it.

Here’s the thing. I’m a light sleeper. I wake up briefly from movements on the bed or if he changes his sleeping postures. Two days ago, when we were both deep asleep, I woke up upon hearing murmurs from him.

“… … Take it.” Half asleep, I turned to him and just went, “Hmm?”

“This one’s also yours?” he continued in his sleep. Remembering some other sleeptalking incidents at home, I just replied “Yeah, it’s mine,” and he went silent afterwards, sleeping soundly like a baby while I wondered what he was dreaming about.

He didn’t remember anything like that the next day, claiming that he didn’t get any dreams and was just deep asleep the whole way through.

Fast forward to the next night, he still murmured some stuff, but I was too sleepy to remember what he said the next morning. I do remember though, him kind of half sitting up as if trying to see who’s outside the door, then laid back and continued sleeping. I thought he just couldn’t fall back asleep at that point, so I just pat his back for a bit.

He had no idea he did that either, saying that he was deep in sleep the whole night.
Well, it’s not just discovering that he sleeptalks.

Apparently, I snore too. It was one of those moments when he cuddled me to sleep halfway through the night, and I suppose I must have been feeling so comfortable that I started snoring.

We learn new things about each other everyday I suppose, hahah

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