Oh The Innocence - His First Kiss

Try to think of any friends you know, guy friends, that are really innocent.  First kiss still not given to anyone, 100% celibate and might or might not have nosebleeds easily when actually exposed to something 18+ because he’s that inexperienced, doesn’t understand most dirty jokes you tell, looks away all shy and blushing a little if you start having a talk with him about something 18+…

This is getting super tough to imagine, isn’t it?

That was the state I found my man in when I first got to know him. He was a gem; A precious diamond in the rough. A species that for me was on the same par with unicorns; imaginary, doesn’t exist.

I have always been the one to, in a manner of speaking, corrupt friends around me. Give me someone prim and proper, shy and innocent, and after 3 months or so of being friends with me, I can assure you he/she is going to be the nastiest people you’d ever know. No shame about this. I’m a proud momma.

I only found out that he hasn’t given away his first kiss yet a short while into our relationship. At that point, I myself wasn’t experienced either, being a shy person myself even though I talk a lot of shit. At one point, I asked him if he was going to be okay with me taking his first kiss.

“I wouldn’t mind if it’s you,” he told me. Ahh, my sweet boy.

A photo we took on that day.
Look at that hovering hand 😂
So with that answer in mind, on the 6th of September 2015 when we were just chatting and getting to know each other more in an empty part of the campus – with those fancy artificial turfs, I was sitting close to him. We weren’t even together for a month yet, but there I was, sort of pinching his cheeks and just running my hands up and down his face. He closed his eyes, and I took that as a sign of trust.

It was just such a weird concept that a guy like him would still have his first kiss, and I looked at his lips. His eyes were still closed. I gave him the super Asian eyes. You know, when you pull the skin near your eyes towards your temple sort of thing. He definitely couldn’t see anything when I did that.

I had never felt the urge to kiss anyone before then, yet at that moment I did and so I just kissed him. His lips were very soft. It felt nice.

Before I could discern anything more – it probably lasted only a second or two, he pulled away, shocked, eyes opened wide, moving back awkwardly for a step or two since he was still somewhat sitting down. That surprise was so clear on his face that I still remember it with fondness now.

“I was not expecting that!” He exclaimed.
“I’m sorry I gave you such a shock,” I apologized. “You weren’t okay with that?”
“No, I am okay with it. I just… didn’t expect that you would do that.”

Pure shock. Poor boy.

As shy as he was though, he stopped me in my tracks just at the top of the staircase and kissed me before he went home. That’s when I became the shy one, although I think we were both super shy at that moment, heart racing and all. He reached out to hold my hand then, and all was well.

Ahh, my sweet, sweet summer child. That innocence is long gone now. He didn’t even have a chance to wave goodbye to it. Definitely writing more about his innocence.

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