Read the Terms & Conditions Before Continuing

Read the T&C's Before Continuing

13thSeptember 2015, 4 days before we were officially a couple for one month, we went to KLCC for a nice date. I told him I was going to bring him out for a date since September was apparently ‘Bring your man on a date’ month or something. Well, the haze was terrible at that time but we braved the weather and went through with the public transportation anyway.

He turned up in a proper buttoned up shirt and all for the first (never seen him wear it again up till today!) time while I dressed in completely… my style. While he was probably thinking that it would be an expected gesture to at least look nice for our date, I was on the other side thinking it was better not to be overdressed and try to match his usual style of clothings.

So there he was, wearing buttoned shirt and a nice pair of blue jeans when he usually would just wear an oversized T-shirt that somehow still fits him well and baggy pants. I was wearing this grey singlet-ish thing with army pants. Our thoughts totally clashed in the worst of ways!

Anyways, we brought out our printed version of terms & conditions that day. It started out as a joke, then impulsively, I decided I was going to type out a proper terms and conditions paper for our relationship. He was sporty, and decided like, ‘sure, let’s just do it then’. Mine was 4 pages long, and his was 2.

It included things like:
  • Our arguments must be resolved within 24 hours (nope)
  • Termination of contract may occur if any form of cheating occurs (still applies)
  • There will be 😉 practical lessons 😉but further 'classes' will only be accessible after upgrade of relationship (uh… too late)
  • No serious talk about marriage until we have been together for at least 2 years (We talked about it anyways, so long ago)
  • Your ass is mine and only mine (Damn right y’alls)
  • We do our best not to make each other jealous (this one is kept very well)
  • No smoking (vaping is slightly better I guess)
  • Try not to make each other worry, keep each other informed (still do)
  • His duties as my babe – odd jobs, bodyguard, punchbag (he kills insects for me, swerved an incoming football away from me & lets me bite him)
  • No refunds, no backing out. (never letting you go, boy)
  • We should have a small celebration treat on monthsaries, a slice of cake or a cup of coffee etc (Nahhh it’s comfort foods now)

And a lot more. I mean, there were at least 2 pages in the ‘contracts’ and mine was divided into several sections after referring to actual terms & conditions documents that I never even bothered reading at any single point before.

So yes, we printed it out and at one point while walking around aimlessly in the mall, we sat down on one of the benches, read through the agreements and signed at the signature area. We kept a copy of our own agreements and the other’s, so we both have two agreements each.

If anything, this kind of uh... couples’ agreement, relationship terms & conditions of whatever else you want to name it can be fun. All else aside, it can also be a way to get to know what your partner prioritizes or hopes for.

It’s been 2 years since that term & condition paper was written, maybe it’s time to write a renewed one based on what we now know about each other. Hmmm~

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